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Hello my friends!

I'm Stephanie and photography is what I do. I LOVE taking photos! I carry my camera around with me daily, trying to capture as many moments on "film" as possible.  Photography has been a passion of mine for years and it all started out when I was the photo editor for my high school newspaper, a LONG time ago. I loved to crouch low or stand on my tippy toes to get interesting shots.  I enjoyed capturing unique moments to attract readers to the paper.  My love for photography grew from there. It exploded when I had my kids.  One year my husband gifted me a nice DSLR to replace my point and shoot camera, and well the rest is history.  I have hundreds of prints, a dozen scrapbooks and thousands of digital photos.  It brings a smile to my face when my kids pull out my scrapbooks or hop on my computer and go through our pictures, reminiscing about places we've gone or things we've done.  They also have fun looking at their baby pictures or talking about how everyone looks so different over the years.  Now I'm lucky enough to share my love for photography with others. 


If your wondering what Maganda means and how it’s pronounced, let me help you out.  I am half Filipino and when I was choosing my company name, I wanted to pick something that would incorporate my ethnicity. Maganda means beautiful and is pronounced: Mah-GAHN-dah.


A little more about me: I love Dr. Pepper!  I don’t know when it started, but you can pretty much bribe me with it.  I love to be outdoors and each summer my family and I try to camp as much as possible, to enjoy nature.  Halloween is my favorite holiday.  How can you not enjoy one night of dressing up and becoming anyone you want?  So fun!  I am married to a handsome, hilarious, loving man named Paul.  We have 3 vibrant, vivacious kids and an adorable cuddly dog named Ginger.


Well, that's enough about me. Now I'd love to learn about you! I love emails and messages. Let's chit chat or get coffee and get to know each other! I'm only a smartphone away from you!

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